Ghost Stories

Tell us about your ghostly encounters or experiences. Email me at and put "ghostly encounters" in the subject and will post them on my blog.I guess I will start things off :)

I haven't saw a ghost per say, but I have had "ghostly experiences".  My mom believes first hand that her house is haunted and that is where I experienced it first.  Like for instance one night I was alone in the house and in my moms room and I looked up to see a black shadow walk across the doorway. I have also been alone and hear a female voice say my name like she was standing right next to me. I also experienced someone literally touching my hand when I was dead asleep. Now this is the creepiest one I think, I was dead asleep and all of a sudden my daughter easy bake oven flew from the top closet shelf and hit the end of my bed. Now my bed was about a foot or so from the closet. Talking about freaky. 

I have also had experiences when I moved in with my husband. It seems that our roommate at the time parents died in the house and there spirits are still there.You would hear footsteps walking down the hall in the middle of the night, you would experience tv's going on and off. One time I turned my window air conditioner off and not even 2 secs it came back on.  We also had a boxer puppy and one day he was literally barking and growling at the wall. ( as you may know animals can see ghosts).  

I would love one day to actually see a ghost because I think that would be cool as hell :) Now, send me your stories, I would love to hear about them and add them to my blog.


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